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Zaragoza to Madrid

AVG daily departures17
Average travel time1 h 31 m
Average speed197 km/h
Distance300 km

Zaragoza to Madrid Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Embark on a seamless journey along the modern train route connecting Zaragoza to Madrid, two vibrant cities in Spain. Spanning a distance of approximately 300 kilometers, this comfortable train ride takes around 1 hour and 30 minutes, providing a convenient and efficient mode of transportation between these cultural and historic hubs. Whether you're a local commuter or a traveler eager to explore the richness of Spain, this route is perfect for you. Immerse yourself in the scenic landscapes and cultural diversity as you travel seamlessly on Spain's modern and efficient railway system, discovering the best that Zaragoza and Madrid have to offer.

High-Speed Trains from Zaragoza to Madrid

5 fastest trains from Zaragoza to Madrid

09:20 AM
1 h 19 m
08:01 AM
11:45 AM
1 h 19 m
10:26 AM
01:45 PM
1 h 19 m
12:26 PM
05:45 PM
1 h 19 m
04:26 PM
07:45 PM
1 h 19 m
06:26 PM
Shortest travel time1 h 19 m
Longest travel time4 h 39 m
Avg. daily departures:17

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
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