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Tokyo to Kyoto

AVG daily departures143
Average travel time2 h 12 m
Average speed233 km/h
Distance513 km

Tokyo to Kyoto Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Embarking on a high-speed train journey through Japan's picturesque landscapes is always a thrilling experience, and it's undeniably one of the finest ways to appreciate the country's natural beauty. The trains that operate between Tokyo and Kyoto have been thoughtfully designed with traveler comfort in mind, ensuring a stress-free ride. You can expect plush seats with comfortable headrests, ample legroom, and generous luggage space, providing all the essentials for a seamless journey. In addition to these onboard comforts, the Tokyo - Kyoto Shinkansen trains are renowned for their exceptional punctuality and extensive schedule, offering up to 31 daily departures. This makes train travel one of the most convenient and reliable ways to navigate between the bustling city centers of Tokyo and Kyoto. With Rail Ninja, you can access key information about the train route, including timetables, ticket prices, travel distances, and more, allowing you to book your tickets effortlessly in just a matter of minutes!

High-Speed Trains from Tokyo to Kyoto

5 fastest trains from Tokyo to Kyoto

11:31 PM
2 h 7 m
09:24 PM
08:08 AM
2 h 8 m
06:00 AM
11:29 PM
2 h 8 m
09:21 PM
08:24 AM
2 h 9 m
06:15 AM
08:33 AM
2 h 9 m
06:24 AM
Shortest travel time2 h 7 m
Longest travel time2 h 16 m
Avg. daily departures:143

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
Traveled from Porto to Lisbon

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