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Barcelona to Madrid

AVG daily departures35
Average travel time3 h 58 m
Average speed127 km/h
Distance505 km

Barcelona to Madrid Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Exploring the enchanting Spanish capital, Madrid, and the captivating Catalonian jewel, Barcelona, is a travel dream come true. To elevate this experience, consider embarking on a well-appointed high-speed Barcelona to Madrid train journey — a comfortable and time-saving choice. Discover more about the Barcelona to Madrid train route, the trains themselves, and get answers to commonly asked questions below. Alternatively, take your Spain trip to new heights by harnessing the power of innovation with the Spain itinerary builder. Unleash your creativity and let your imagination run wild as you weave together the most astonishing sights into one unforgettable journey. Prepare to immerse yourself in the alluring charms of this extraordinary country, where every corner tells a unique story and every moment is a treasure waiting to be uncovered.

High-Speed Trains from Barcelona to Madrid

5 fastest trains from Barcelona to Madrid

04:54 PM
2 h 29 m
02:25 PM
10:55 AM
2 h 30 m
08:25 AM
03:55 PM
2 h 30 m
01:25 PM
05:55 PM
2 h 30 m
03:25 PM
06:55 PM
2 h 30 m
04:25 PM
Shortest travel time2 h 29 m
Longest travel time9 h 39 m
Avg. daily departures:35

Popular Trains from Barcelona and Madrid

The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
Traveled from Porto to Lisbon

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