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Florence to Venice

AVG daily departures12
Average travel time2 h 8 m
Average speed96 km/h
Distance204 km

Florence to Venice Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Indulge in the unparalleled allure of Italy by embarking on a high-speed Florence to Venice train journey. This Florence to Venice train route offers several outstanding options, including the Frecciargento, Frecciarossa, and Italo trains. Regardless of your choice, these trains offer modern onboard amenities, ensuring your comfort and enjoyment as you traverse the captivating Italian landscapes en route to your final destination. At High-Speed Trains, you'll find a comprehensive Florence to Venice train schedule, allowing you to plan your journey according to your preferences and travel plans. But why stop at mere logistics? Elevate your Italian adventure by harnessing the power of innovation with the Italy itinerary builder. Unleash your creativity and let your imagination craft a tapestry of Italy's most mesmerizing sights into one seamless journey. Get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting charms of Italy, where each moment unfolds like a work of art, and every corner tells a captivating story waiting to be discovered.

High-Speed Trains from Florence to Venice

5 fastest trains from Florence to Venice

08:40 PM
2 h 1 m
06:39 PM
09:42 AM
2 h 3 m
07:39 AM
10:42 AM
2 h 3 m
08:39 AM
11:42 AM
2 h 3 m
09:39 AM
12:42 PM
2 h 3 m
10:39 AM
Shortest travel time2 h 1 m
Longest travel time2 h 16 m
Avg. daily departures:12

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
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