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Paris to London

AVG daily departures15
Average travel time2 h 21 m
Average speed145 km/h
Distance342 km

Paris to London Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Embarking on a train journey from Paris to London stands as one of the most convenient ways to traverse between these two magnificent capitals. While air travel may seem like a time-saving choice, it doesn't always hold true. Often, airports are situated on the outskirts of the cities, necessitating additional time for transfers to the city center. Conversely, opting for a high-speed train from Paris to London promises a plethora of advantages. This Paris to London train route boasts swift travel times, streamlined check-in procedures, and a host of amenities. Revel in the comfort of spacious seats and generous legroom, all while gazing through expansive panoramic windows that treat you to breathtaking vistas of the French and British countryside. Additionally, experience the thrill of traversing the famous La Manche tunnel, a remarkable feat of engineering that connects these two iconic capitals. Whether you seek efficiency or scenic beauty, the Paris to London train journey delivers on both fronts, ensuring a memorable and hassle-free voyage.

High-Speed Trains from Paris to London

5 fastest trains from Paris to London

11:30 AM
2 h 19 m
09:11 AM
01:30 PM
2 h 19 m
11:11 AM
02:30 PM
2 h 19 m
12:11 PM
11:30 PM
2 h 19 m
09:11 PM
09:30 AM
2 h 20 m
07:10 AM
Shortest travel time2 h 19 m
Longest travel time2 h 34 m
Avg. daily departures:15

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
Traveled from Porto to Lisbon

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