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Prague to Vienna

AVG daily departures16
Average travel time4 h 17 m
Average speed77 km/h
Distance330 km

Prague to Vienna Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

For the most efficient journey from the Czech capital to Vienna, consider hopping on a high-speed train connecting Prague to Vienna. Unlike airports, which are often situated outside city centers, both Prague Vaclav Havel Airport and Vienna International Airport require additional commuting time. Opting for the train not only saves you valuable vacation hours but also conveniently places you in the heart of the city upon arrival. Additionally, the Prague to Vienna train route offers a scenic journey through the picturesque landscapes of both the Czech Republic and Austria, adding an extra layer of charm to your travel experience. Discover more about this captivating route below and embark on a seamless rail adventure between these two vibrant European destinations.

High-Speed Trains from Prague to Vienna

5 fastest trains from Prague to Vienna

01:18 PM
4 h 2 m
09:16 AM
08:18 PM
4 h 2 m
04:16 PM
05:21 PM
4 h 5 m
01:16 PM
10:49 AM
4 h 7 m
06:42 AM
04:49 PM
4 h 7 m
12:42 PM
Shortest travel time4 h 2 m
Longest travel time7 h 10 m
Avg. daily departures:16

Popular Trains from Prague and Vienna

The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
Traveled from Porto to Lisbon

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