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Dublin to Belfast

AVG daily departures16
Average travel time2 h 11 m
Average speed77 km/h
Distance168 km

Dublin to Belfast Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Set off on an enchanting journey along the dynamic Dublin to Belfast railway route, where you'll indulge in the ultimate convenience on board a high-speed train. This unparalleled travel experience offers a smooth and rapid link between these Irish jewels, transforming the face of rail travel. The train from Dublin to Belfast not only proficiently bridges the distance but also sets a new bar in efficiency and connection. Navigate through the scenic landscape from Dublin to Belfast, relishing the modern opulence of high-speed rail with expansive views. Keep abreast of the train time from Dublin to Belfast for thorough planning, ensuring a journey characterized by velocity and uninterrupted connectivity. The Dublin to Belfast train calls to you, promising an exceptional journey that surpasses conventional travel standards, representing the future of effective and integrated rail transport.

High-Speed Trains from Dublin to Belfast

5 fastest trains from Dublin to Belfast

09:05 PM
2 h 5 m
07:00 PM
03:07 PM
2 h 7 m
01:00 PM
12:08 PM
2 h 8 m
10:00 AM
02:08 PM
2 h 8 m
12:00 PM
04:08 PM
2 h 8 m
02:00 PM
Shortest travel time2 h 5 m
Longest travel time2 h 17 m
Avg. daily departures:16

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
Traveled from Porto to Lisbon

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