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Milan to Venice

AVG daily departures8
Average travel time2 h 22 m
Average speed119 km/h
Distance280 km

Milan to Venice Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Italy, known for its breathtaking beauty, presents a golden opportunity to traverse its landscapes via the railway network. One of the most strategic routes for an A to B train adventure is the stunning Milan to Venice rail journey. This scenic passage is expertly serviced by high-speed marvels like the Italo, Frecciarossa, and Frecciabianca trains. Opting for a train from Milan to Venice is a choice celebrated by many, and for good reasons. The trains on this route are renowned for their impeccable fittings, onboard luxuries, extensive departure schedules, and, notably, swift travel times. Covering the distance between these two iconic cities in under 2 hours and 30 minutes, this A to B train route ensures both efficiency and comfort. Italy's rich tapestry of landscapes and culture becomes easily accessible when you embark on this railway journey. Don't miss the chance to explore the heart of Italy, effortlessly connecting Milan and Venice via these high-speed trains.

High-Speed Trains from Milan to Venice

5 fastest trains from Milan to Venice

07:50 PM
2 h 15 m
05:35 PM
09:52 AM
2 h 17 m
07:35 AM
11:52 AM
2 h 17 m
09:35 AM
01:52 PM
2 h 17 m
11:35 AM
02:52 PM
2 h 17 m
12:35 PM
Shortest travel time2 h 15 m
Longest travel time2 h 28 m
Avg. daily departures:8

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
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