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Milan to Turin

AVG daily departures13
Average travel time1 h 3 m
Average speed134 km/h
Distance140 km

Milan to Turin Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Embarking on the Milan - Turin railway route is not just a journey; it's an immersive experience that reveals some of Italy's most breathtaking vistas, making train travel the preferred choice for those journeying between these charming cities. While the stunning scenery is reason enough, there's much more to celebrate about traveling by rail on this train route. Milan to Turin trains set the pace for swiftness, effortlessly covering the distance from city center to city center in just a single hour. These high-speed marvels promise not just speed but also a superlative travel experience, featuring comfortable seats, ample legroom, and generous luggage space to ensure your journey is as delightful as it is efficient. What's more, the Milan to Turin trains boast a comprehensive schedule with a staggering 26 departures daily, leaving no room for travel hiccups. You can find additional details and ticket prices below, guaranteeing a smooth and hassle-free journey. Whether you're an avid explorer or simply seeking a convenient passage, this high-speed train expedition on the Milan - Turin route assures a memorable Italian adventure. Embrace the convenience, speed, and scenic beauty of Italy's railways, and make every moment of your trip truly special.

High-Speed Trains from Milan to Turin

5 fastest trains from Milan to Turin

08:30 AM
1 h 0 m
07:30 AM
10:30 AM
1 h 0 m
09:30 AM
01:30 PM
1 h 0 m
12:30 PM
02:30 PM
1 h 0 m
01:30 PM
03:30 PM
1 h 0 m
02:30 PM
Shortest travel time1 h 0 m
Longest travel time1 h 10 m
Avg. daily departures:13

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
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