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Milan to Bologna

AVG daily departures20
Average travel time1 h 12 m
Average speed178 km/h
Distance213 km

Milan to Bologna Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Embark on an exceptional journey through northern Italy by exploring the Milan to Bologna railway route, effortlessly connecting the fashion capital of Milan to the gastronomic gem of Bologna. The distance from Milan to Bologna is swiftly covered by these modern high-speed trains, providing a convenient and time-efficient travel option. Whether you're a food enthusiast, an architecture admirer, or a business traveler, the train from Milan to Bologna offers comfort and convenience. With frequent departures and precise schedules, planning your travel itinerary is a breeze. Step aboard these high-speed trains, equipped with modern amenities like Wi-Fi and spacious seating, elevating your travel experience. The Milan to Bologna train route isn't just a mode of transportation; it's a picturesque journey through Italy's diverse landscapes. In about 1 to 1.5 hours, you'll transition from Milan's cosmopolitan allure to Bologna's historic charm. So, board the train, savor the scenic views, and let it transport you from Milan to Bologna in both style and convenience.

High-Speed Trains from Milan to Bologna

5 fastest trains from Milan to Bologna

07:49 AM
1 h 4 m
06:45 AM
08:49 AM
1 h 4 m
07:45 AM
06:49 PM
1 h 4 m
05:45 PM
07:49 PM
1 h 4 m
06:45 PM
06:54 AM
1 h 14 m
05:40 AM
Shortest travel time1 h 4 m
Longest travel time1 h 14 m
Avg. daily departures:20

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
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