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Krakow to Budapest

AVG daily departures2
Average travel time9 h 34 m
Average speed27 km/h
Distance250 km

Krakow to Budapest Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Discover the charm of Central Europe by traveling from Krakow to Budapest via a high-speed train. The distance between these two cities is approximately 250 km, making it an ideal choice for travelers. Whether you're admiring the medieval architecture of Krakow or indulging in the thermal baths of Budapest, this train route provides a comfortable and efficient way to explore Central Europe. Book your Krakow to Budapest train tickets today.

High-Speed Trains from Krakow to Budapest

2 fastest trains from Krakow to Budapest

07:42 PM
8 h 37 m
11:05 AM
08:16 AM
9 h 44 m
10:32 PM
Shortest travel time8 h 37 m
Longest travel time9 h 44 m
Avg. daily departures:2

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
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