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Busan to Gyeongju

AVG daily departures19
Average travel time32 m
Average speed131 km/h
Distance70 km

Busan to Gyeongju Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Embark on an enchanting expedition along the dynamic Busan to Gyeongju railway route, immersing yourself in the pinnacle of convenience aboard the high-speed train. This transformative travel experience guarantees a swift and seamless connection between these South Korean gems, reshaping the narrative of rail travel. The Busan to Gyeongju train route not only covers the distance with precision but also introduces new benchmarks in efficiency and connectivity. Journey from Busan to Gyeongju with panoramic views, reveling in the contemporary luxury of high-speed rail travel. Stay attuned to the train schedule, ensuring meticulous planning and a travel encounter marked by speed and seamless connectivity. The Busan to Gyeongju train invites you to a captivating voyage that transcends conventional travel norms, embodying the future of efficient and connected rail transit.

High-Speed Trains from Busan to Gyeongju

5 fastest trains from Busan to Gyeongju

05:47 AM
27 m
05:20 AM
02:47 PM
27 m
02:20 PM
05:23 PM
27 m
04:56 PM
10:37 PM
27 m
10:10 PM
06:43 AM
33 m
06:10 AM
Shortest travel time27 m
Longest travel time34 m
Avg. daily departures:19

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
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