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Salerno to Naples

AVG daily departures10
Average travel time50 m
Average speed69 km/h
Distance58 km

Salerno to Naples Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Embarking on an Italian adventure often means soaking in the beauty of multiple cities, and the journey from Salerno to Naples by train is a perfect example of the ease with which you can wander from one destination to another. Italy’s comprehensive railway network ensures that travelers can enjoy the scenic transition from the coastal tranquility of Salerno to the historic vibrancy of Naples with comfort and speed. This particular route, while not as famed as the high-speed line from Rome to Florence, still offers an efficient and more relaxed alternative to the hustle and bustle of air travel. In the information below, you’ll find detailed answers to common questions about the Salerno-Naples train travel, helping you navigate your trip with confidence. Starting from the charm of Salerno, you can extend your journey beyond to the bustling streets of Naples and beyond. Italy invites you to explore its wonders at your leisure, with every train stop introducing you to a new chapter of its endless story.

High-Speed Trains from Salerno to Naples

5 fastest trains from Salerno to Naples

01:58 PM
34 m
01:24 PM
11:58 AM
36 m
11:22 AM
05:58 PM
36 m
05:22 PM
06:58 AM
38 m
06:20 AM
07:58 AM
38 m
07:20 AM
Shortest travel time34 m
Longest travel time1 h 19 m
Avg. daily departures:10

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