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Porto to Lagos

AVG daily departures6
Average travel time7 h 20 m
Average speed77 km/h
Distance560 km

Porto to Lagos Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Return from the lively city of Porto to the serene coastal town of Lagos with the Porto to Lagos railway route. This high-speed train from Porto to Lagos ensures a relaxing journey back to the southern shores of Portugal. The distance from Porto to Lagos is comfortably traversed, making the train time from Porto to Lagos ideal for a tranquil retreat. The Porto to Lagos train route is a wonderful way to wind down your Portuguese adventure.

High-Speed Trains from Porto to Lagos

5 fastest trains from Porto to Lagos

12:09 PM
6 h 29 m
05:40 AM
09:09 PM
6 h 29 m
02:40 PM
06:05 PM
7 h 20 m
10:45 AM
02:10 PM
7 h 25 m
06:45 AM
10:26 PM
7 h 41 m
02:45 PM
Shortest travel time6 h 29 m
Longest travel time8 h 41 m
Avg. daily departures:6

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The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
Traveled from Porto to Lisbon

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