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Oslo to Myrdal

AVG daily departures4
Average travel time5 h 0 m
Average speed71 km/h
Distance352 km

Oslo to Myrdal Train: Distance, Timetable & Tickets

Revel in the natural beauty of Norway on the Oslo to Myrdal train route. Covering a distance of approximately 355 kilometers, this scenic train journey offers mesmerizing views of fjords and mountains. Experience the enchanting Flam Railway as it winds through picturesque landscapes, providing a memorable connection between these two captivating Norwegian cities. Plan your trip now for a unique and picturesque adventure from Oslo to Myrdal.

High-Speed Trains from Oslo to Myrdal

4 fastest trains from Oslo to Myrdal

01:04 PM
4 h 39 m
08:25 AM
09:16 PM
4 h 53 m
04:23 PM
05:01 PM
4 h 58 m
12:03 PM
04:19 AM
5 h 16 m
11:03 PM
Shortest travel time4 h 39 m
Longest travel time5 h 16 m
Avg. daily departures:4

Popular Trains from Oslo and Myrdal

The train staff was very nice and we liked the rail trip

Serena P.
Traveled from Porto to Lisbon

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